Veronica Bastardo Vera
2 min readSep 7, 2022


A memory shot made by me

Entry 25 (draft)

— Early September —

I promised myself I would write about happy things.
I don’t remember the last time I did that.
It’s hard, tho.
Happiness is an emotion I haven’t felt in so long.
Much less the excitement that comes with it.

— Enter character: pretty smile —

Place: some bar
Time: some weekend

His smile makes me shudder all over.
His eyes…
Oh! His eyes… They hold the entire galaxy, a deep dark brown with glitters of newborn stars.
The few stories he shares make wonder “Where have you been all my life?”

— 4 weeks in —

Place: a room
Time: a morning

So this is how it feels to actually fall.
Wanting to share the world and beyond, take the universe in a plate and hand it to their mercy.
Trust them your past and present because you’re sure they can safeguard them.
Wishing to be best the person so you can be enough.
No. So they can have the best person they deserve.
To hold, to be, to care, to show and to protect.

— 3 months in —

Place: a car
Time: a night

So this what happiness looks like.
Your eyes full of sorrow and concern because you want to be perfect for me.
My thoughts a 120 miles per minute because I don’t know how to assure you’re more than enough.
My voice breaking because I can’t make you believe me: “I love you, I’m here. I want to be here”.
The car getting tinier after a forehead goodbye kiss.

— Some minutes after —

A place: my bed
Time: my dawn

So this is what happiness is.
Ups and downs and moments.
Sharing feelings, concerns, stories and dreams.
Falling sleep thinking of what a good day we had.
Holding each other in the silence of a barely lightened parking lot.
Crying after parting ways off tone.
A smile writing this because I know we’re going to be just fine.

I promised myself I would write about happy things,
So I decided to write about you.



Veronica Bastardo Vera

Journalist based in Venezuela with a great passion for music and storytelling.