And if

Veronica Bastardo Vera
1 min readApr 27, 2023


Rain washing away

And if I told you being mad at you makes me feel more sad than anyhting?
If I told you I hold my emotions when your eyes do that dissmissive gesture?
If I told you your intentional silence after my words dig a whole in my chest?

And if I told you that I sometimes get angry and don’t say anything for your sake?
If I told you I get petty in silence when your sarcasm is specially mean?
If I told you your mean commets make me rethink my whole life?

And if I told you my biggest enemies are the people who made you believe you worth nothing?
If I told you I mentally fight every person who dissmisses you?
If I told you your sad eyes are the reason I could star World War III?

And if I told you at the end of the day I just want to support you and be with you no matter what?
What would you do?



Veronica Bastardo Vera

Journalist based in Venezuela with a great passion for music and storytelling.